(click image for larger view with labels) Immunocytochemical staining of NET (NET05-2) in mouse SCG cultures using wt and KO pups for the ganglia harvest.
(Image courtesy of Dr. Randy Blakely)
Mouse cortex homogenate after a 1000xg spin to eliminate nonhomegnized tissue fragments ofwildtype (WT S1) and NET knockout (NET KO S1) tissue.
(Image courtesy of Dr. Randy Blakely)
Catalog # NET05-2
Size: 100 ul hybridoma media in glycerol.
Host: Mouse (IGg2b), clone 2-3B2
Known Specificity: mouse and rat (does not recognize human NET); sequence homology: cow (92%); cat, human, non-human primate (85% ).
Recommended Dilutions:
Western blotting 1:1,000
Immunohistochemistry To be determined.
These working conditions are provided as a suggestion only. Each user should determine optimal conditions for his or her own experiment.
Source: This mouse monoclonal antibody was raised against a peptide coupled to KLH by the addition of an C-terminal cysteine. Hybridoma media was obtained from cells grown in culture and concentrated by ammonium sulfate.
NEW recombinant rabbit (Ab02548-23.0) and rat (Ab02548-6.1) norepinephrine transporter (NET05-2) antibody!